VIN Vilniaus Implantologijos Namai

Periodontal disease treatment

Many people do not even think that even a mild pain can cause great inconvenience in the future. Although periodontal disease can be cured, the more advanced it is, the more complicated and expensive the treatment. If you visit the dentist regularly and the disease is detected early, there are almost no consequences.

Procedures are carried out by:

How does periodontitis start?

Due to periodontitis diseases, millions of people can no longer smile boldly, suffer from bad breath or even have to say goodbye to their teeth.

What is periodontitis gum disease? In short, periodontal (gum) disease begins when bacteria build up above the gum line and between the teeth, where it’s easy to miss. There are very few symptoms at this stage.

As these bacteria multiply, they release toxins that cause the gums to pull away from the tooth or loosen it, creating more space for plaque and bacteria to build up.

As it spreads, it also reaches the roots of the teeth, where bacteria cannot be reached by regular brushing or flossing. At this stage, periodontitis begins and the tooth needs urgent treatment.

Signs that it is time to visit a periodontist:

/  Your gums are red, swollen, or bleeding, especially when brushing and flossing. These are often the first and most common signs that you have bacteria in your gums.

You suffer from bad breath or a sour or unpleasant taste. Bacterial build-up and toxin bacteria can cause bad breath or a sour taste that persists even after brushing.

You have receding gums or deep pockets between your teeth and gums.

Your teeth are becoming crooked or loose.

You notice strange sensations when biting. When teeth become loose, they can cause different changes in the structure of the mouth or uncomfortable chewing.

It hurts when you eat. When bacteria causes an infection around the root of a tooth, chewing can create pressure that causes tooth and gum pain.

Your teeth are sensitive to temperature changes. As the gums recede from the tooth, the roots become more accessible and your teeth can become very sensitive to temperature changes.

Your family has had periodontal disease. If you have a family member, especially a parent, grandparent, or sibling with gum disease, you should see a periodontist.

You smoke or have smoked. Smoking reduces the oxygen supply to the gums and outer tissues, which creates an environment in the mouth that no longer fights bacteria. This is how gum disease occurs.

You have diabetes. The bacteria that cause gum disease are caused by the amount of sugar in the mouth, and people with diabetes have higher levels of sugar in their saliva. In addition, diabetes can also disrupt the blood flow needed to keep the gums healthy and strong.

You have never visited a periodontist. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says that half of all adults over the age of 30 have some form of gum disease. So, speaking about gum disease – best treatment is regularly seeing periodontist, especially if you’re 30 years old or older and haven’t seen a periodontist recently.

Reviews of clients of the clinic “Vilniaus implantologijos namai”:


Periodontal disease treatment prices in our clinic’s price list. There you can also find answers to such questions as root canal treatment – how much does it cost; and how much to remove teeth. 

Prices of the most popular services:

Curettage of one tooth 

39 €

Aesthetic correction of the contour of the gums with a laser

49 €

You can find all prices in our price list:

Financing options

Dental prosthetics and its cost: the price of this procedure can always be friendly to our patients. For those who cannot pay the full amount at once, we offer to pay for the treatment in parts. Our partners Inbank will help you to cover dental bridges cost, teeth crowns cost and purchase the dental prosthetics service in installments.

Other possible financing options:

/  Billing with health insurance funds when the patient has concluded a contract with the insurance company.

/ Funding from territorial health insurance funds for patients covered by mandatory health insurance.

What is periodontitis disease?

The periodontium is the tissue surrounding the tooth – periodontal ligaments, gingiva and alveolar bone.
The most common periodontal diseases:



Gingivitis is an inflammation of the gums, and periodontitis is a much more advanced form of the disease, which includes not only inflammation of the gums, but also the loss of supporting tissues.
Periodontitis is defined as long-term, irreversible damage to the gum and bone tissue that support the teeth in the jaw.

Periodontitas parodontoze

Periodontitis can be:

/ acute or;

/ chronic apical periodontitis.

In acute apical periodontitis, swelling and pain may be felt. Chronic apical periodontitis may not show any symptoms for a long time.
Periodontal diseases – gingivitis and periodontitis – can affect both young and old people. In practice, it is observed that children and teenagers usually face inflammation of the gums, while older persons arrive with advanced gum damage (periodontitis). Talking about gum disease and treatment – if the patient does not delay and does not wait until the last minute, when pain is felt, the gums bleed profusely and other symptoms are evident, gum disease can be prevented.

Treatment for periodontitis – how to fix periodontal disease?

Gum disease and treatment: treatment of periodontitis depends on the level of damage and can be divided into several methods:


Primary non-surgical

Dental plaque and tartar removal is performed during professional teeth cleaning at dentist. This preventive procedure also helps to stop other diseases of the oral cavity. If the patient feels discomfort, the gums can be numbed with local anesthesia. Then, no pain is felt at all, and the hygienist can clean the formed tartar and soft plaque even more thoroughly and deeply.


Secondary surgical

This procedure removes infected tissue and tartar deep below the gums. This procedure is used when the gums are very receding from the tooth and plaque and tartar have accumulated underneath. In order for the patient to feel comfortable, the gums are numbed with local anesthesia. During the surgical procedure, the inflamed gums are lifted from the alveolar bone of the teeth, and after cleaning the gums, they are drawn back to the teeth and fixed with stitches.



Third supporting

The third supporting visit – the tissues surrounding the tooth (periodontium) must remain in order after the treatment, without stones and plaque. This can only be ensured by regular, correct oral care and regular professional teeth cleaning.

How to prevent periodontitis?

/  If you are wondering how to fix periodontal disease, always remember that correct oral hygiene is necessary to prevent periodontitis diseases. The teeth should be thoroughly cleaned twice a day with a toothbrush and toothpaste, the interdentals should be cleaned with dental floss, special brushes or a water irrigator. If the teeth are not cleaned properly, the plaque hardens and turns into stones.

You should visit a dentist for a preventive check-up at least once a year.

/  Perform professional teeth cleaning regularly and remove accumulated plaque and tartar. Professional deep teeth cleaning is recommended for every person 1-2 times a year. The number of procedures depends on the intensity of stone accumulation, the patient’s time and attention spent on dental care, and the clinical situation in the mouth.

/  Use tooth sensitivity-reducing products (special creams and pastes) if prescribed by a doctor.

/  Responsibly follow all the recommendations of the periodontist and dentist.

/  Don’t forget that bad habits (smoking), sweet foods, soft drinks and systemic diseases of the body (for example, diabetes) also promote the accumulation of dental plaque and the formation of tartar.

/  Limit snacking as it creates a constant acidic environment in the mouth.

/  If you notice the first symptoms of periodontitis – bleeding gums, deep pockets between the teeth and gums – do not delay and consult a doctor immediately. Timely preventive measures will help prevent the progression of the disease.

Our clinic provides services to people living abroad: after planning visits in advance, we can beautify your smile in two to three days.

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